“Your camp has made such a huge impact on Judy’s life. I remember this feeling about my own summer camp in Southern Illinois. I still talk to my friends from that camp. The magic and love at your camp has changed her in such amazing ways. I just wanted to say thank you so much. Keeping the camp spirit alive has made a huge difference to Judy. You are changing kids lives in a truly difficult time. Thank you for your work.”
Summer camps were hit exceptionally hard during the pandemic and are still recovering. Campers are also recovering: from the loss of connections, from the social isolation and from the loss of new experiences that camp provides; they are still re-learning interpersonal skills that were lost in 2020 & 2021. Camp Kee-Mo-Kee was closed in 2020, operated only as a day camp in 2021 and re-introduced overnight camp in 2022. For the past 2 years, Camp Kee-Mo-Kee has developed a strong summer camp program with both day and overnight campers benefitting from being part of the camp community. Nonetheless, Camp Kee-Mo-Kee needs your support because kids need to come to camp.
Please donate today. gifts of cash, gift cards or items on the Wish List are always appreciated.
“Supporting KeeMoKee means that you are supporting those who live, love, and breathe camp. It means making the camp more accessible to those who need it most. Most importantly supporting Kee-Mo-Kee supports the friendships that are made all summer long.
Please Donate Now
Donations can be made online, eTransfered to or mailed to the camp at: 9581 Glendon Drive, Komoka, ON, NoL 1R0
Please indicate which of the following funds you would like your donation allocated to:
Camper Subsidy - to help pay for a camper to attend camp.
General Operating - let camp management decide where your donation will make the most impact.
Infrastucture and Capital Projects - so we can keep our site safe and up to date.
Your ongoing support is appreciated.
Looking forward to a beautiful tomorrow…